The first four are known as higher criticism the fifth, lower criticism and, together, external criticism.
What is the evidential value of its contents (credibility)?. In what original form was it produced (integrity)?. From what pre-existing material was it produced (analysis)?. When was the source, written or unwritten, produced (date)?. Gilbert J Garraghan and Jean Delanglez divide source criticism into six inquiries: Source criticism (or information evaluation) is the process of evaluating the qualities of an information source, such as its validity, reliability, and relevance to the subject under investigation. The study of historical method and of different ways of writing history is known as historiography. In the philosophy of history, the question of the nature, and the possibility, of a sound historical method is raised within the sub-field of epistemology.
Primary sources and other evidence including those from archaeology are used. Historical method is the collection of techniques and guidelines that historians use to research and write histories of the past. Thucydides (c. 460-c. 400 BC) dubbed the 'father of scientific history'